
2023 Vermeer D20x22 S3

Low Hour Drill comes with Locating Equipment, Mud Mixer and Trailer - Tow and Go Today! 930 hours.

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General Description:
2023 Vermeer D20x22 S3 Directional Drill.
Seller States: 930 Hours only!

Locating System(s):
-DigiTrak Falcon F5+ Locator.
-2023 DigiTrak Aurora AF8 Display.
-Hard Travel Case.

Mixing System(s):
2023 Vermeer MX125 Mud Mixing System with 500 Gallon Tank.

The Drill comes with a Full Rack of Drill Rods (10 foot rods, 2.06 rod size).

2023 Lucon Custom Heavy Haul 12T172FC Equipment Trailer.

Sub Saver, Starting Rod, Sonde Head, and 6-inch Tool Head.

Additional Information:
Seller States: Hook your truck up to the trailer and go to work!

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